Monday, November 02, 2015

Maybe a mural, part 65: Citizens Warehouse

The railroad tracks cross 6th Avenue and 9th Street near the southwest corner of the Citizens Warehouse building. The building is full of artist studios. (And, from what I've seen so far in the plans, it won't be torn down for Downtown Links.)

Near that corner are three works of art. Two of them aren't exactly murals, which is why I've made this entry part of our “maybe a mural” series. Let's look from left to right (west to east). First, a painted fence with a “robot” on top; next a mural, partly in shade, by Michael Schwartz (see the note at the end of this entry); and a painted window hung off the second-floor wall:

I was there on April 21st, 2015.

Update (February 5, 2017): The second photo above, of Michael Schwartz’ mural, was chopped off and had poor color. I found a better version that I took on May 14, 2016. I've replaced the second photo.

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