Friday, June 29, 2018

Head Hunters Smoke Shop

I arrived early on Jan. 1, 2018 before the shop opened so that there would be no cars obstructing the view.  Instead, there were several police cars, the area was blocked by yellow tape, and there were evidence tags scattered around the parking lot.  I found out later that a woman had been shot at around 5 a.m.  Her injuries were not considered life threatening.  I was never able to find any further information.

I returned later in the day to get this photo:
Click for a larger and sharper image.

Friday, June 22, 2018

U at Park

These two murals may bring back memories of your college days.  The "U at Park" Apartments has two locations with the same name.  One is at N. Park Ave. and E. Lester St. (formerly Casa España).  The other is at N. Euclid Ave. and E. Elm St. (formerly Casa Royale).

Park Avenue Location
Mural by Michael Schwartz
"Set Your Goals Higher"

Euclid Avenue Location
  Mural by Michael Schwartz assisted by Valeria Hutchings
It's Not All Study (don't tell my parents)
Click on either photo for larger and sharper images.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Tool Spot

West wall of the Tool Spot, LLC. on Jan 1, 2018.
Now Hiring
Click on the photo for a larger and sharper image.

Aug. 1, 2018 - The Tool Spot is no longer hiring.  The mural has been painted over.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Garden on Laguna II

The mural that Jerry Peek posted on Jan. 29, 2012 has been replaced.  See Garden on Laguna
The new mural is on the east wall of the former Ernie's Market.  The building is apparently now empty and unused.
In any case, here it is:
The address is 202 W. Laguna St., but the mural is viewed from N. Castro Ave.
The artist(s) are unknown.  Click on the photo for a larger and sharper image.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Barrio Ochoa

Residence at 244 W. 28th St., City of South Tucson, AZ in Barrio Ochoa.

West Wall Along S. 9th Ave.
The Hands of God

South Wall Along W. 28th St.
Noah's Ark
Photos were taken on Jan. 1, 2018.  Click on either photo for enlarged and sharpened images.