Friday, May 25, 2007

Jerry Peek Joins the Tucson Murals Project

My new blogging team member Jerry Peek sends this "peek" of dancers. He writes, "It's in front of a house at the corner of Warwick Vista & Wilson, just southeast of the railroad bridge on 22nd. It's a series of paintings of dancers; I don't know its story."

If anyone has artist information on this mural, please leave a comment at the end of this entry. (You won't need an account and can stay anonymous.)

To see a larger version, click on the photo. If you’d like to view or download full-sized versions (which may have hidden geotags: location where the photo was taken), click on one of these:
Update (May 26, 2020): After 13 years, the mural has been freshened. There are closeup photos in today's entry.