Sunday, November 23, 2008

That's Chicago... Again.

Warren V writes,
"The mural has changed on the back of the Chicago Music Store downtown [Tucson] since the May 9th [2008] photo posting. Here is a shot of the new one."

Update (September 30, 2012): The mural has been removed during construction.

Update (November 23, 2012): That's McKenzie Haggerty-Harrison in the mural. Here's more of the story.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Arizona's Artist: Maynard Dixon

A short documentary on the late artist 
Maynard Dixon
hosted by Dr. Mark Sublette, owner of Medicine Man Gallery
in Tucson, AZ and Santa Fe, NM.
To see this video produced by 
hit play below:

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

For the Veterans on Veterans' Day

This patriotic mural is on the wall at 
Miller's Surplus in Tucson at 406 N. 6th Ave.
Remember to honor your military veterans today.
Photo Courtesy of Davis Dominguez Gallery in Tucson.

Update: Five and a half years before this blog entry went online, the mural had been trashed. I found the story from March 28, 2003 in the Tucson Citizen archives: ‘Cowards’ deface military icons on store.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Putting the Art in Art's BBQ

If you've ever doubted good barbecue is an artform,
then this mural should put your artistic tastebuds to rest.
Bon Appetit!
You can find it here on our highlighted map link.
Photo Courtesy of Davis Dominguez Gallery in Tucson
Update (September 2, 2012): The mural is gone, and this building is now the new home of Dinnerware Artspace.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

New Mural Friends

Hello, Fellow Tucson Mural Enthusiasts,
          Just wanted to let you know that Mike Dominguez of the Davis Dominguez Gallery in Tucson (and with the help of Tom Rossi) recently profiled some of the murals from the Tucson Murals Project at a presentation Mike gave at Tohono Chul Park.
In exchange, Mike Dominguez sent me a CD of wonderful Tucson murals to add to the Project.
So, for the next few days and weeks, 
I'll post Mike's contributions.  
I hope you enjoy them.  
I know I will.