Friday, June 21, 2024

Tucson's smallest mural?

Over the past years, you've seen announcements of "Tucson's Biggest Mural" more than once. When I saw this gate on May 8th, I thought just the opposite: what's Tucson's smallest mural?

The guidelines on this blog are just that: guidelines. (Artists are too creative to fit just one definition.) Generally, the mural needs to: #1) Be more or less flat, though it can curve around corners and posts… #2) Either be painted directly on a wall or on something like masonite that's designed to be attached to a wall… #3) whatever 😁. What do you think of the “mural” below?

I call this a small mural that was painted on a board attached to the wall -- probably because it's hard to make paint stick to galvanized steel. (In case the scene isn't familiar, this is from the album cover on the Beatles' record “Abbey Road”.)

I crossed Jones Blvd. (without a crosswalk) to snap these May 8, 2024.

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