The sandbags are leftovers from the terrible floods that hit the city a couple of weeks ago. I didn't get the exact location of the store, but it's pbobably along Calle Paucarpata, not far east of the Plaza de Armas (the main square).
This one was on near a street corner. Again, I didn't get the exact location, but it's probably off of Calle 1 northeast of Lambramani — maybe on Calle 8. The vertical yellow area on the corner says:
Promo 2008
United Ways
Prop. (?) Laura Espinoza M.
If you'd like to know the exact locations, both photos are geotagged — as most photos on the blog are these days. (The latitude and longitude are recorded in the image file, and you can use a geotag viewer to find the location on a map.)
Next, back to our regularly scheduled Tucson murals!
Update (May 3, 2015): I found out last year that Blogger removes geotagging data from photos. It's for privacy, I guess, when people don't realize they're showing the location of their home (or whatever) through a geotag. If you want to know where one of the photos on the blog was taken, send me an email. I can send you the coordinates or the original photo.