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Showing posts with label MORE (see last photo). Show all posts

Friday, September 20, 2024

Another walk around El Rio Neighborhood Center

This Center has classrooms, a public library, and other facilities. Both Mark Fleming (who's contributed a number of photos over the years) and I walked through the outside of the complex, and took photos, twice in the past 16 years: El Rio by Tineo on May 02, 2008 and El Rio revisited on January 23, 2012. You might want to look through those photos before you see the photos below — which include murals that have been renovated in the past five years.

This is the northeast entrance, off of the parking lot, on July 11, 2024:

If you walk in from the Speedway side, on the south, you'll see a curved bench and a mural:

At the top left corner, the signature says Mural by David Tineo / Restoration by @TENZ520 and Community 7/18/19 (I can't find @TENZ520 on Instagram, so I might have that wrong):

The rest of the photos are a tour through murals along the inner walkway, roughly from the Speedway entrance walking north, not necessarily in order (since July, I've forgotten the order 😉):

The last mural in this tour is along the east side, a Pima County Public Library branch:

I took those photos outside on July 11, 2024.

Back on March 9, 2018, I found three murals inside a building. The mural at the library was different. The post also has a shot of the northwest entrance murals from a different angle: Even more art at El Rio on Speedway!