Showing posts with label Russell Kahn. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russell Kahn. Show all posts

Monday, July 01, 2024

"Mural View Elementary" is a better name

This school's real name is Mission View Elementary. Back on May 11, 2010, we showed three murals near the corner of 37th Street and 8th Avenue in Mission View (or Mural View?) Elementary. There are several murals I didn't photograph in 2010 — probably because they weren't there then. Since the end of 2023, I've made two trips to try to catch all of the murals around the outside walls.

South wall (along 37th St.)

Let's start at the school entrance along 37th Street, a ways west of 8th Avenue. To the right (east) of the entrance is a mural that's been there since at least 2010. I snapped it on May 25, 2024:

A bit farther east is a patio with a mosaic bench along the west side and a mosaic hanging on the east wall. The photos are from May 25th:

Just east of the patio is this mural:
At the right edge of the mural is what looks to me like a tall chile or gourd. It's titled Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum Amigos del Desierto (friends of the desert). Near the bottom is 98-99 (1998-1999), Artist: Russell Kahn and Consultant: Axhel Muñoz.

Southeast corner (37th St. @ 8th Ave.)

Maybe partly because of their wide-angle setup, Google Maps Street View had a more complete photo than I could get of the southeast corner:

I chopped the left and right sections of the first mural into two photos so it's easier to see details. Here's the left:

Next, the right section of that mural. The banner has faded a lot, so I've tried to make the closeup easier to read:

It says:



The Sueñalo Logralo mural was added long after the mural to the left. (Google Maps Street View shows a blank white space from February 2008 to January 2021, and the mural in April 2022.) In English, that's: Dream it. Achieve it.

Northeast corner (36th St. @ 8th Ave.)

On the northeast corner of campus, December 16, 2023, were a round wall that looked like a sitting area to me and a mural on the north wall:
When I came back on May 25, 2024, parts of the round area were broken into chunks. I didn't take photos. Here's the December version:
Next, the mural. The tree at top right is a real tree, not part of the mural:
The mural has several names of people and families. These closeups show most of them:

Just west (to the right) of the mural, lying in a nook of assorted fence parts and other stuff, is what looks like a mural panel. I spotted it on May 25th. The top (at left, in shadow) has some names and a deer dancer:

Two last notes:
  • The center and corners of intersection just northeast of the school are painted. See our August 10, 2021 post 8th Avenue & 36th Street from above.
  • Next time, we'll show a little building farther west from the main building.