Driving along Prince Road two months ago (November 16), just east of Campbell, I noticed something on a building that looked like a mural. I turned around and pulled in. It was a framed piece of weathered wood, and the face looked familiar…

I walked into the business behind the sign, C'est La Vie Vintage Boutique, to ask. The very helpful business owner, Sharon, told me the story. Sure enough, this was artist Ted DeGrazia — the sign from his former studio, which used to be just west of here on the southwest corner of Prince & Campbell. The studio is gone now… but the landlord of the building with the mural kept the portrait from the sign that used to sit in front of the studio along Campbell.
I found more in a
biography of Ted DeGrazia. The studio was built in 1944, and… well, I'll let you read the rest of the story yourself!
Update (November 27, 2019): The mural has been gone for at least a couple of months. The business there is Sandra Arce Art Gallery.