Monday, October 06, 2014

The rise and fall of Oury Park's murals

More than eight years ago — July 13, 2006 — one of Randy Garsee's first entries on this blog was The Amazing, Fantastical, Beautiful Oury Park Mural. David Aber sent a recent photo of a part of this amazing mural. You can see the same part by looking at the last photo in Randy's post (above). Here are David's photo and what he wrote:

"Much to my surprise, I discovered it’s not a mural. It’s a mosaic.

"Attached is a photo by way of illustration. The years have not been kind. Many of the tiles have detached and fallen to the ground.

"It’s not really important to me whether it’s a mural or a mosaic. My larger point is the amount of time and effort that had to have gone into attaching thousands of mosaic tiles to such a large work of art. Why would they do that?

"If it was important to the artists and the neighborhood, why is it allowed to fall into such disrepair?"

I did some searching and found photos of the mosaic tiles and the making of the mural at Hozhographos Studio.

Last week, I stopped by the mural. Not all of the mural is damaged yet, but some sections are. I tried to contact Hozhographos Studio, but the email bounced back and the phone number listed on the website doesn't connect. What a shame!

Some damaged spots:

I've heard that TPAC is working on the problem.

More on this story — another “rise!” — next week.

Thursday, October 02, 2014

Murals Through Our Parents' Eyes

Years ago, the University of Arizona put a series of pages online called Through Our Parents' Eyes: History & Culture of Southern Arizona. Part of the site are six pages on Chicano Murals in Tucson. From there are links to six early muralists — Antonio Pazos, David Tineo, Luis Gustavo Mena with Paul Lira, Martin Moreno, and Roberto Castillo. Each page has mural photos by James S. Griffith.

It's worth a look. (And, by the way, we're always looking for historic murals and stories. This blog started in 2006, and we've only found a few older photos since. Please contact me; thanks.)

Monday, September 29, 2014

...and the south side

Last week, we saw the north side of Arizona 1 Automotive & Repair. Here's the south side overall...

...and close-up:

The photos are from Mark Fleming.

Monday, September 22, 2014

New Superheroes on South Sixth

Back on December 17, 2011, we posted a photo of three panels on the north side of Arizona 1 Automotive Repair. Fast-forward three years, to earlier this month: Mark Fleming sent a photo of the new mural on that wall...

Here are closeups:

I drove by a week ago. The right side of the mural — the last photo above — has been tagged. :-( At least you can enjoy it here, thanks to Mark.

Coming next: the opposite (south) side of the building.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Fading on Fourth

Mark Fleming sent a lot of new mural photos this past week. (Thanks so much, Mark!) This one is a street scene, pasted on a wall of 2302 South 4th. The bits of green around the edges are in front of the mural, and the wall behind it is showing. With the shape it's in — part on the wall, and part peeling off — I don't know how much longer it'll last.

Friday, September 05, 2014

Maybe a mural, part 61: gate by Dave Aber

Hardly anyone would call a gate a “mural.” But, from time to time, we include “flat” art that's not paint or tile on a wall. Here’s a photo from Dave Aber of a gate you’ll want to keep your distance from:

It’s covered with swords and etc.

Thanks to Dave for helping to keep this blog lively until I can get back to photography! And if you have a photo of a mural (or some flat art) that you haven’t spotted on this blog, please email it to me: infoATtucsonartDOTinfo (replace AT with @ and DOT with .).

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Lucky Wishbone on 22nd revisited

David Aber sent two photos showing parts of the long mural next to the Lucky Wishbone restaurant on 22nd. As he points out, “The Lucky Wishbone building prevents a wide angle photo of the entire mural.”

There are more photos from three years ago in Barrio Centro mural unveiling.

Thanks, David!

Thursday, June 05, 2014

More from Mark Fleming

I'm especially grateful to Mark for these photos of the WintaFresh venue because I can't photograph these days.

So, thanks, Mark!

Friday, May 16, 2014

Santa Cruz River at Eckstrom-Columbus library

When you walk into the branch library at 22nd & Columbus, this 59-foot-long mural is hard to miss:

Jim Waid did the work in 1977. You can read more on the library's website.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Maybe a mural, part 60: saw a door on S. Meyer

This door is covered with saw blades painted various colors.

A "mural" it's not. But it's fun flat art, so it fits in this occasional "maybe a mural" category.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Maybe a mural, part 59: screens on S. Meyer

Here's another example of "flat" art that you might not call a "mural". It's these creative window screens on the north side (along the alley) of 808 S. Meyer:

I snapped them on July 28, 2013.

Friday, May 09, 2014

Behind El Minuto

On August 15, 2012, I showed three photos of El Minuto, at 354 S. Main Avenue. But I missed the back (south) side. Here's a photo from July 28, 2013:

Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Casa de las Flores

This long mural, titled (at the top-left corner) Casa de las Flores (House of the Flowers), is on the east side of Olsen south of 9th. It's just north of the first alley (as a homeowner told me, this part of the Sam Hughes neighborhood has long, narrow lots framed by two alleys, named "key lots"). The home's address is 2102 E. 9th Street. I found it on June 30th.

Monday, May 05, 2014

A radiator at Five Points Office

This mural is along the sidewalk. I found it on April 27th. (As always, you can click for a larger view.)

Update (August 4, 2020): I snapped this close-up of the credits:

Friday, May 02, 2014

Borton Community Garden

On June 28th I found Borton Community Garden, southeast of Borton Primary Magnet School, watched over by a big mosaic mural:

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Kindness covers tags

I saw this Ben's Bells mural June 28th on the side of a storage container behind — that is, northwest of — Allegra Print & Imaging. (The office address is 1300 S. Park, but container is just south of 23rd Street along the alley between Park and Tyndall.) I went inside to ask the story. The container had been tagged pretty badly, so students from the nearby Borton Magnet School painted the mural over the tags.

We'll see more from Borton Magnet School next time.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Ben's Bells at Starr Center

One of the series of “be kind” murals is on the west side of the Dr. M. Lee Starr Learning Center:

Here's a close-up of the bottom left corner:

I snapped the photos on June 27th.

Friday, April 25, 2014

Prickly (and peaceful) panel

Outside the garden wall around the home at 589 N. Plumer Avenue is this pleasant spot... with a bunch of our prickly friends standing by. (That address came from Google Maps; the spot, as you can see by clicking the street address, is at the southwest corner of 5th & Plumer. For some reason, the "Location:" box at the bottom of this article wouldn't accept the location.)

I was there on June 27th.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Sir Veza's on Wetmore

We've posted a couple of photos of the first Sir Veza's Taco Garage at Speedway & Swan. Here's one of their second (or third?) location: the south side of the building on Wetmore east of Oracle.

I was there on June 19th.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Arizona Daily Star article on Nogales mural

Thanks to a reader for pointing out today's article in the Arizona Daily Star, “Nogales mural a symbol of unity on a border that continues to galvanize artists,” by Mamta Popat. Don't miss the link near the top of the article to photos of the mural being painted (or click there).

I don't know the exact location of the mural on Buenos Aires, but here's a Google map that shows the street. If you visit the spot and can leave a comment below (or send me an email) telling us where it is, please do!

Friday, April 18, 2014

Maybe a mural, part 58: a gate on Glenn

This blog shows “flat” art. That includes uncommon things like paintings hung on a wall by the street — and things so common as desert scenes made from iron. The latter is so common that I usually don't show it anymore. This one was due an exception, I thought:

The fine mesh blurs the background and makes the art stand out more.

I took this photo on June 12th. The same photo is on today's entry in the Tucson Mailbox Art blog — which, if you haven't seen it, is worth a browse... it has a lot of art that's both fun and creative.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Monday, April 14, 2014

On the menu at Taco Giro

This elegant mural on the north end of the east wall gives a pretty good idea of what you'll find inside Taco Giro Mexican Grill:

I found it on June 7th.

Friday, April 11, 2014

It's (was?) a Fun World

Their website isn't working today, so I wonder whether It's a Fun World is still open. But this is a blog about art, so let's see their 22nd Street location last June 3rd:

Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Alfonsa McKenna Luis Redondo Park

These murals are on the park's south wall, along the alley west of 5th Avenue between South 30th & 31st Streets, in South Tucson.

There are more photos in our May 2, 2016 entry.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Table of murals reorganized

Some of you have used the table of murals (from the murals page) to find a mural in a particular location around town. With something like 1,000 murals, the table wasn't easy to use.

I've reorganized the table by area of town. It looks like this:

The map shows the areas of Tucson, and a list at the left explains. Click on one of the areas in the list (not on the map) to see a list of murals in that area. (The page has more instructions.) Once you've found a mural in the list, click on it to see the mural right there in the window.

Here's the address:

I hope this new setup is handy for you. Now all I need to do is find time to update the table... I haven't added new murals to it since September, 2012. (Volunteer projects can't always get the time they need...)

Monday, April 07, 2014

South Tucson on 36th

This mural is across from 429 E. 36th, near Tucson Greyhound Park. I snapped the photo on June 1st.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Missed (at least) one more thing at Lineweaver

As you might've seen two years ago — on our April 6, 2012 post — there's some great art on the walls at Adah Lineweaver Elementary School. There was also a banner celebrating Lineweaver as one of Tucson's OMA (Opening Minds through the Arts) schools.

On May 28, 2013, I stopped by the school when I noticed that I hadn't photographed the wall art near the OMA banner. It's a stylized desert scene, painted in turquoise. Here's that photo:

Update (February 18, 2020): I discovered a photo of a mural in the middle of campus that I never added to this blog. I've edited it to brighten the mural, which was in shade:

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

More art around the corner

Monday we saw art along a corner lot — with the home address on one street and the art on another. Just by chance, the next mural I found on my May 20th ride was the same: a home on Geronimo Avenue but art along Kelso Street:

(As always, you can click on the photo for a larger view.)

Monday, March 31, 2014

Find it on Fontana

Homes on corner lots may have an address on one street, but have their art facing the second street. That's what I found last May 20 as I was riding up Fontana Street: The home officially at 302 E. Delano had a gorgeous garage and eclectic fence art along the wall that faced Fontana.