Like almost anything, murals can look different under streetlights than they do during the day. A year ago, I tried some late-night photos of murals with creatures, ctitters, and so on, in
Murals by moonlight. But none of those photos turned out as "different" as I thought they might.
Today, a new contributor to the Tucson Murals Project sent a mural photo that really
is different at night. It's part of the mural-covered front of Dale's Doors,
321 S. Kino Parkway:

(Compare that to
the daytime view.)
There's a story behind this story. Back in March,
Howard posted a comment on
Right at home on Wilmot. From there, I found his blog,
Sky Island Riders. Howard enjoys riding around Tucson, snapping photos. He sent in four today. Three of them are daytime views, improvements on the ones we'd already posted.
As you've probably seen, I've got a backlog of photos and I usually only post twice a week. But I didn't want to let this great nighttime shot get lost in the stack, so here it is.
Thanks, Howard!