Friday, February 05, 2021

Tribute To Elizabeth Taylor

Found at the Old Town Apartments on 12/28/2020.

By Sean John Cannon

Click on the photo for a larger and sharper image.

Update (December 17, 2021): The muralist wrote on his Instagram @seanjohncannon (you can click there to see the post; you currently don't need an account):

My art mentor is Andy Warhol and his process involved silk screening multiple layers. My application is a lot different as I do everything by hand to create the illusion of silk screening. paint, markers, and a wet sponge is all I need but it is incredibly painstaking! I’ve always been fascinated with repetition and if done correctly, the viewers eye will always be drawn in towards it. I see Pop Art as being timeless as it never becomes “outdated” as aestheticism and whimsical coloring defines its genre. I love how it never takes itself too seriously and so far it has always perfectly reflected the zeitgeist of our times.

1 comment:

David Aber said...

This mural replaces one posted 07/06/2012 at