Friday, December 29, 2023

Rock the Spot's second year, 2023

I'm glad to tell you that last year's Rock the Spot mural painting celebration downtown wasn't the last. November 30 to December 3, artists from around the country repainted most of the murals around this parking lot.
Thanks to Rock the Spot, and their official website, for that graphic. Rock the Spot is in honor of Albert Soto; one of the pages has his bio.

BG Boyd Photography's mural database has videos of Rock the Spot in 2022 and 2023. Here's a small version of 2023:

The parking lot stretches between Congress Street on the south end to Pennington Street on the north end. There's also a narrow space that runs between the middle of the east side of the parking lot to Scott Avenue. (If you'd like to see a map, look for 61 E Congress St Parking on this Google Map.) I started photographing at the southwest corner, close to Congress. Then I walked clockwise, including a narrow “notch” between the parking lot to Scott Avenue and back. That is:
  1. Along the west wall
  2. Walked along Pennington (the north side)… there are no murals here
  3. Halfway along the east side
  4. Clockwise around the “notch” between the parking lot to Scott Avenue and back
  5. Along the rest of the east wall to Congress Street.
I also took close-ups of some murals. I include the close-ups after the overall photo. A few murals were here before this year's (2023) Rock the Spot; I've labeled them.

I haven't edited these photos to straighten, crop to only the mural, etc. There are just too many!

View from Congress toward Pennington

West wall, from Congress north

^^ Here before both Rock the Spots ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Painted during Rock the Spot 2022 ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

East wall, from Pennington south to “notch”

^^ Here before both Rock the Spots ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^


^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

“The notch” to & from Scott Ave.

^^ Painted during Rock the Spot 2022 ^^

^^ Here before both Rock the Spots ^^

^^ Here before both Rock the Spots ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

East side, from “notch” south to Congress

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Closeup of previous mural ^^

^^ Painted after Rock the Spot 2022 ^^

Watch the Rock the Spot website for news about 2024!

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