Friday, July 19, 2024

Inside the Learning Bee "hive"

On Saturday, May 4, after I parked near Learning Bee Preschool & Daycare on Longfellow Avenue, dogs started barking and a woman came out to say hello. It turns out that several of the staff live in the neighborhood… I think the place is family-owned. When I told her that I was taking photos of their new murals, she let me inside the gate. So kind!

I took these next photos from a play area between buildings.
The mural at the left edge above is shown in our December 13, 2022 post Too soon for the birds and the bees?. Here are closeups of the north side of the main building (the south side of the yard) on May 4th:

It looks like they've been cleaning.

This is an oven chimney:
The west end of the main building's north wall:
A building along the north side of the yard:

The north edge of the property, along a parking area next to Longfellow Avenue, has a new mural too:
Earlier photos of other parts of the school are:

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