If you haven't seen the long mid-town mural of the Tucson Mountains,
take a look two years ago. I heard from a friend this summer that the mural was destroyed by a tagger. With thoughts in mind (and heart) about how the artists must feel (the credit panel is at the right), I stopped by as soon as I could: September 22, 2011.
The news was better than I thought. It looks like the tags were mostly cleaned off. I didn't even notice them until I got close and stood at the right angle against the early-morning sun.

(By the way, this parking lot is now the University of Arizona's Lot #9007. Another reason to get there early — if you drive a car, at least — is that a permit is required from 7 AM - 5 PM weekdays. The mural will probably be blocked by cars during that time, anyway. Enter from Ft. Lowell just west of Mountain: turn south to enter the lot.)
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