Saturday, January 18, 2014

Maybe a mural, part 51: Paintings off-Broadway

Sometimes I spot art on a wall that isn't a traditional “mural” — like these paintings, under clear plastic, on two walls of the Arabian Oasis Cultural Center. (There's a “Location:” box below.) The last “maybe” mural was two days ago.

First, the west wall:

(As always, you can click for a larger view.)

A close-up from the east end of the north wall — with the background reflected in the plastic cover:

And at the west end of the north wall:

Unlike most murals, they were signed. The artist was Miguel Grijalva.

They weren't in great condition when I took these photos near sunset on December 29, 2012. I haven't checked on them since. (If you have, please leave a comment below.)

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