If you've been reading this blog for a while, you've seen
Catch Jos at work! (Murals being made, part 16) two months ago. He (Jos Villabrille, of
Murals by Jos) is one of Tucson's most popular muralists. He does beautiful work that you've seen all over town. (The photo I showed in that entry is to the right.)
I wrote that February 28th post after driving by the corner of Broadway & Wilmot (actually, by
6305 E. Broadway), where
Good Ole Tom's was about to open a new store. They'd hired Jos to paint their building. As time went on (and, I'm guessing, they saw what great work he was doing), they asked him to wrap their building in murals — even the windows at the front and east sides. Jos worked there until earlier this month: I drove by as he was finishing the front windows, but didn't have a chance to snap photos then. When I stopped by earlier this week, the person I spoke with said that she believed he was finished.
Here are the photos I've taken over the past two months. Notice how he uses parts of the building (for instance, the downspouts) as parts of the murals. The first photo below, and the photos on March 26th, show the right-front windows. After Jos had painted some of them, they were broken... so he had to re-paint the murals there after the glass was replaced. The last photos, on April 26th, show the just-completed front windows and the back (north) side, too. If you'd like to jump to shots I took on a particular date, click one of the dates here:
Update (August 31, 2013): there are many more photos in
today's post.
February 27th

^^ South end of east wall ^^

^^ West wall from north end ^^

^^ Center of east wall ^^

^^ West end of north wall ^^
^^ to top ^^
March 5th

^^ West wall finished, north wall to come ^^

^^ North wall sketch (from east end) ^^

^^ Starting a saguaro on a downspout (east wall) ^^

^^ Sketch at north end of east wall ^^
^^ to top ^^
March 22nd

Front in progress

Working near the front window on the east side
^^ to top ^^
March 26th

^^ East side finished ^^

^^ Front nearly done (except the west end) ^^
^^ to top ^^
April 23rd
The murals are done! But my overall photos of the front of the store were blurred. The new versions are coming soon. Here are shots of details:
^^ to top ^^
April 26th

^^ Front (south wall) ^^

^^ Back (north wall) ^^
^^ to top ^^