Friday, June 29, 2018

Head Hunters Smoke Shop

I arrived early on Jan. 1, 2018 before the shop opened so that there would be no cars obstructing the view.  Instead, there were several police cars, the area was blocked by yellow tape, and there were evidence tags scattered around the parking lot.  I found out later that a woman had been shot at around 5 a.m.  Her injuries were not considered life threatening.  I was never able to find any further information.

I returned later in the day to get this photo:
Click for a larger and sharper image.

Friday, June 22, 2018

U at Park

These two murals may bring back memories of your college days.  The "U at Park" Apartments has two locations with the same name.  One is at N. Park Ave. and E. Lester St. (formerly Casa España).  The other is at N. Euclid Ave. and E. Elm St. (formerly Casa Royale).

Park Avenue Location
Mural by Michael Schwartz
"Set Your Goals Higher"

Euclid Avenue Location
  Mural by Michael Schwartz assisted by Valeria Hutchings
It's Not All Study (don't tell my parents)
Click on either photo for larger and sharper images.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Tool Spot

West wall of the Tool Spot, LLC. on Jan 1, 2018.
Now Hiring
Click on the photo for a larger and sharper image.

Aug. 1, 2018 - The Tool Spot is no longer hiring.  The mural has been painted over.

Friday, June 08, 2018

Garden on Laguna II

The mural that Jerry Peek posted on Jan. 29, 2012 has been replaced.  See Garden on Laguna
The new mural is on the east wall of the former Ernie's Market.  The building is apparently now empty and unused.
In any case, here it is:
The address is 202 W. Laguna St., but the mural is viewed from N. Castro Ave.
The artist(s) are unknown.  Click on the photo for a larger and sharper image.

Friday, June 01, 2018

Barrio Ochoa

Residence at 244 W. 28th St., City of South Tucson, AZ in Barrio Ochoa.

West Wall Along S. 9th Ave.
The Hands of God

South Wall Along W. 28th St.
Noah's Ark
Photos were taken on Jan. 1, 2018.  Click on either photo for enlarged and sharpened images.

Friday, May 25, 2018

Kickin' It!

The Ann Kathryn Schmidt Kickin’ It Clubhouse is for Tucson youth soccer. It's near Dodge Blvd. at Brandi Fenton Memorial Park. (You can see photos of the rest of the park in our article Brandi Fenton Memorial Park.) There's a nice sign. Near the other end of the building, next to the entrance are, of course :) murals:

I found info on two web pages: FC Tucson Youth Soccer Club and the AKS Kickin' It Clubhouse Facebook page.

The mural with a border of soccer balls is signed Artwork by Gail T. Roberts Studio at the bottom right. The photos are from June 3, 2017.

P.S. For some reason, the official address of the park is on River Road (it's at the bottom of this page), and Google Maps will show you the middle of the park if you click on that address. But the park actually stretches from the southwest corner of Alvernon and Dodge, and the clubhouse is near that corner.

Monday, May 21, 2018

New "augmented-reality" mural on 191 E. Toole

Here's one of the most intriguing mural ideas I've seen. It’s in the Arizona Daily Star article Tucson's first 'augmented reality' mural used to encourage young people to vote. The article begins:

The Citizens Clean Elections Commission is making a push to sign up millennials to vote ahead of the November elections with the help from a special mural that was placed on a downtown Tucson building popular with young people.

The commission is betting young adults will want to take videos of themselves in front of the “augmented reality” mural that — when viewed through a smartphone — adds animated colorful wings to their bodies while birds fly around them. Once using the app, the commission hopes users will then take a few minutes to follow a link on their smartphones that registers them to vote.

I'll try to figure out a way to take a photo of someone there and update this blog entry to show it. There's a photo in the story, though… and more photos if you search Twitter or Instagram for the hashtag #18in2018. That hashtag will show similar murals around Arizona — especially, of course, in the Phoenix area.

Update (January 11, 2019): Today's blog entry shows the mural and examples of how it works.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Arizona Palms updated

Just south of last week's article Still High & Dream Smoke & Flower Shop is Arizona Palms Tinting Company. Seven years ago, it had a very different mural. When I was next door, I noticed the AZ Palms’ mural on the front of the building. Then I went around to the narrow driveway on the south side (which I couldn't photograph straight-on because the driveway was so narrow):

The front still had the same clock at the top as it did seven years ago, but this time it wasn't working. I took the photos on June 23, 2017.

Update (January 19, 2021): There are closeups in today's entry Arizona Palms Tinting, closer.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Mural-covered smoke and flower shop

I never thought I'd see a store that sells both tobacco and flowers. Still, Still High Dream Smoke & Flower Shop is just that. It's covered with murals and artistic signs (at least, it was when I took these photos on June 23, 2017).

Here are the front of the store and the side of the building along the parking lot:

Update (January 22, 2021): There's a new mural behind the parking lot. We also have close-ups of the murals shown here: Still High Dreams, closer

Wednesday, May 09, 2018

KVOA story on Joe Pagac's latest mural

KVOA "News 4 Tucson" TV posted a video yesterday of an interview with Joe Pagac about his new mural at Euclid & 1st. (My guess is that, if you're driving south on 1st, this is the place where it curves and becomes Euclid.) Here's the story:

Euclid mural brightens drive

By the way, one of the anchors called this Tucson's biggest mural. I haven't seen it yet, but, from the looks of the video, I think that Joe's mural on Stone just north of 6th Street may be bigger. (To see that mural being painted, have a look at our April 10, 2017 entry Murals being made, part 46a: Tucson's biggest — then follow along to the other pages. Or start at the end: Murals being made, part 46c: Tucson's biggest.

By the way, Google Maps doesn't seem to be able to find the exact address. It's so near Euclid & 1st that it probably doesn't matter. But David Aber pointed out that the exact address is 2136 North Euclid Avenue (click there to see it on Mapquest).

Friday, May 04, 2018

Eat at Frank's!

Frank's Restaurant (also known as Francisco's after 4 PM) serves up huge meals until 2 PM every day. Out back — on the wall west of the restaurant — you'll find a long, humble mural with "Eat at Frank's" inside three hearts:

The mural is as quirky and fun as the restaurant(s). I snapped the photos on June 3, 2017.

Tuesday, May 01, 2018

Maybe a mural, part 81: manhole covers?!

I think of a mural as being on a wall. (Not always. I posted a photo of a mural on the street in Dunbar/Spring.) This Arizona Daily Star article from April 26th is about Tucson sculptor Jason Butler putting art on manhole covers in the city of South Tucson:
Tucson project uses kids' vision to decorate 55 manhole covers on streets

Friday, April 27, 2018

San Juan

The full name is the San Juan Bautista Lutheran Church.  I found this mural on Jan. 24, 2018.  It's on the west end of a small building behind the main church.
Click for a larger and sharper image.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Tucson Weekly article: Visions of Johanna

Here's a story about Tucson muralist Johanna Martinez: Visions of Johanna: Tucson muralist preserves history's lines.

We have some photos of her murals (almost certainly not all of them) on the blog:
I'm hoping to add more of her murals. I'll add links here. If you don't follow this blog regularly, please check back.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Mural tours (and more) of Benson and Bisbee

As Tucson gets Toasty, it might be time to head for the hills! The Arizona Daily Star has a couple of articles that should help:

Friday, April 20, 2018


Taco Giro Mexican Grill & Seafood has four locations in Tucson.  There are several interior murals at the E. 22nd St. location.  Using the camera in my cell phone, I photographed two of them.

This is a stitch of two photos from Jan. 19, 2018

This photo is from Feb. 2, 2018
Emiliano Zapata, a leading figure in the Mexican Revolution. Assassinated April 10, 1919.
Click on either photo for a slideshow of larger and sharper images.
Here's a previous post of an exterior mural: On the menu at Taco Giro

Friday, April 06, 2018

Ward 1 City Council Office

In front of the office, on October 23, 2016, I snapped this photo of their mural. (Actually, it's our mural, isn't it.)

Here are the artists' signatures:

Friday, March 30, 2018

Pacman next to the border

On January 29, 2014, we published two photos along the US-Mexico border wall in Two sides on Toole. I stopped by (as I do often: The art on this building is always changing!) on November 13, 2016, to find that the dumpster wasn't painted with a UFO anymore; it had Pacman.

Friday, March 23, 2018

This isn't a word on Scrabble :)

I just checked a site with allowable words for Scrabble™ and found that XUT isn't. (Darn. After I found this door — on the always-changing art Mecca of 191-197 Toole — I'd added XUT to my secret list of Killer Scrabble Words. :)

(If you know more about XUT, please leave a comment below. You can be anonymous.)

I took the photo back on November 13, 2016.

Monday, March 19, 2018

35 Must-See Murals in Metro Phoenix

The March 6th Phoenix New Times article by Lynn Trimble has photos and info:

35 Must-See Murals in Metro Phoenix

I honestly try to avoid Phoenix when I can ;-) but I'll be there for an afternoon and a morning next month. I follow Lynn on Twitter… and there defintely is a lot of art in the Phoenix area. (Maybe I'll even decide to go back? :)

Friday, March 16, 2018

Bronx Wash re-re(-re?) visited

This lonngggg mural stretches, panel by panel, along the section of Linden Street east of 4th Avenue. It's an ongoing project. David Aber stopped by on on April 17, 2017. He snapped the newest panels on that date at the western end of the mural in a left to right, east to west direction:

“Rebirth” by Emma Bayne:

"La Paz" by Nikki Ortiz:

Untitled by Sneha Srinivasan. Her description of her work includes the words “Kindness, Hope and Love” which David has used as the title on his Flickr post. ("Yes," he said, "I spelled her name correctly."):

An untitled work in progress by Teresa Altamirano (finished by now, I'd guess):

For more photos from this blog, take a look at:

Friday, March 09, 2018

Even more art at El Rio on Speedway!

If you haven't seen our blog entries from May 02, 2008 and January 23, 2012, they'll give you a good introduction to the great murals at this Community Center. But, in a visit on November 12, 2016, I found more murals. This is another in my series of almost-lost mural photos…

I'll (uncharacteristically :) let the murals speak for themselves:

Update (September 20, 2024): The murals have been refreshed or replaced in the past five years. Today's post, Another walk around El Rio Neighborhood Center, shows all of the murals I photographed in July 2024. (I didn't get any murals inside.)

Monday, March 05, 2018

(Not) Mural Lovers, part 4: One of Tucson's largest ruined

I remember the days when taggers didn't trash murals. It's so sad that these animals seem to be spraying their hatred (or fear?) onto the art that almost all of us (not including the taggers) love.

Tucson News Now reported on Friday: Artist to repair twice-tagged mural. This is Joe Pagac's huge mural on Stone just north of 6th. You can see the first tagging in our July 2, 2017 entry !*?%&#= TAGGERS!!.

Joe originally covered the mural with a clear protective coat, but it'll apparently still take him 8-12 hours to repair the tags.

Friday, March 02, 2018

Making the Himmel library more inviting

Next in our series of almost-lost murals…

It was November 11, 2016. I'd read about the neighborhood-sponsored beautification of the Himmel Park library, so I stopped by with my camera.

One of the changes was the new bicycle rack outside the front door, which is topped by signs lettered with bicycle chains — such as “STUD.” (At least I thought that's what it said. Actually, I just now zoomed in on the photo. I can see that there's a “Y” at the end, made with a much darker piece of chain. What a shame. :)

Out front are mosaic-topped benches:

Here are close-ups of the bench tops:

Friday, February 23, 2018

Why not fifth-anniversary photos?

Every time my inbox begins to fill with mural (and mailbox art) photos, I double-check to be sure I've put each photo online before I delete the email that had the photo. So, back in December, I was surprised to see a message from Mark Fleming that he'd sent to Randy Garsee, this blog's founder. Randy sent it on to me that same day — February 25, 2013. My email program shows that I replied to Randy right away. But I don't remember ever posting these murals. (Mea culpa! Still, it can be tough to keep track of well over 1,000 murals.)

Anyway, I decided to wait for the five-year delay between Mark sending the photos and them going online. Somehow it didn't feel urgent to rush them online a month or two earlier. Still, I'm sorry for the long delay, Mark.

It was back on November 22, 2014 that I spotted Rock "Cyfi" Martinez’ mural on the north side of BreakOut Studios, 828 North Stone:

But, unlike Mark Fleming, I didn't check the alley behind the building.

I'm not sure that I got all of the photos? So I'll post them in the order that Mark sent them. The first two seem to be side-by-side, but I'm not sure about the third.

Mark wrote that the murals seem to be “by Alex Devowon and someone named 'oddeven'.”

Update (February 23, 2018): Thanks to ArtLoungeProductions (@artloungetuc on Twitter) for helping me find that BreakOut Studios has moved to East Speedway. Their website is and their Twitter feed is @BreakOutStudios. I'll have to stop by and check for new murals!

Friday, February 16, 2018

Murals being (not quite) made, Part 30c

I've been working through every one of my photos taken since early 2016. Along the way, I found some mural photos that haven't been posted to this blog yet. I showed the first of them on January 26; I'll show the rest in the next few blog entries.

I've been waiting for this mural. I first found it on March 7, 2015, as artist Jason Cross was painting what would turn out to be one of at least two or three versions. That first blog entry is Murals being made, part 30a; I posted it on November 9, 2015.

I drive by the wall from time to time. As it turned out, on November 8, 2015 — just the day before Part 30a was scheduled to be posted — I noticed some changes. So I took photos and posted them a week later, on November 16, as Murals being made (not finished), part 30b. Here's the last photo from that blog entry:

Next, two photos of the middle and the right end being changed (I think!) on May 2, 2016. The colors aren't very accurate:

Since then, I've driven by and haven't noticed any obvious changes except that the north (right) end is completely different from the version I showed above. So I decided to add this blog entry, Part 30c. Here's the photo of the right end that I took on October 25, 2016:

I haven't noticed any changes in nearly a year and a half since then. A lot of the mural elements have white space between them and the background. Maybe the artist is planning more changes, too? If I do spot any obvious changes as I drive by at 35 mph, I'll add Part 30d.

Update (March, 2019): Last month, on a stormy February 3rd, I drove along this familiar part of Alvernon and noticed that the mural was no more. You can see what's (probably) the end of the story in Murals being (un-)made, Part 30d.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Murals being made, even more (part 39, continued)

On October 3, 2016, I posted photos of a new mural on walls around a Tucson Electric Power substation. Here's one:

At the time I wrote that, the mural didn't seem finished. But I never went back to check (or to see another mural that another artist had painted at Valley of the Moon). Last week, a friend sent me photos of part of the TEP mural. Hers show the mural looking finished. I've mixed them into the original blog entry. Now the revised blog entry shows the progress:

Murals being made, part 39: TEP south of Cushing

Friday, February 09, 2018

South Tucson Fire Dept.

Viewed from E. 27th St. between S. 5th and S. 6th Avenues on Jan. 1, 2018.  Artist(s) are unknown.
Statue and Mosaic Sign
Click for a larger and sharper image.

Friday, February 02, 2018

Las Artes

On Sept 3, 2011 Jerry Peek posted photos of mosaics at the Las Artes Learning Center.  His last photo shows empty spaces on the north wall.  See Las Artes under construction.  Here are the completed mosaics that I found on Dec. 28, 2017:

Las Artes is the Pima County Arts & Education Center for ages 17-22.  It prepares students for their GED and builds employment skills through art projects.

Click on any photo for a slideshow of larger and sharper images.